Emkay Global

Funds managed

Fund nameAsset ClassLicense
Emkay Emerging Stars TrustLong Only (small and mid cap)SEBI AIF Cat 3

About the AMC


  • Emkay was founded in 1995, launched Emkay Emerging Stars Trust, year close ended fund in october 2017. 
  • Emkay Investment Managers, has achieved the milestone of Rs 200 crore of Assets Under Management (AUM) within a short period of three months of its launch in October 2017.
  • Emkay Emerging Stars Trust is sponsored by Emkay Global Financial Services and managed by Emkay Investment Managers Ltd (EIML).
  • The investment universe of the fund is the top 300 to 1,000 companies ranked by market capitalisation. These companies will have market capitalisation between Rs 500 crore to Rs 5,000 crore.
  • Key staff- Krishna Kumar Karwa , MD (CA with 31 yrs of experience in equity market , research and asset managememt and corporate advisory at Emkay, also an independent director at West Coast Paper Mills ltd ),

Prakash Kacholia, MD (CA with 30 yrs of experience in capital market, promoter and MD at Emkay, leads Derivatives business and retail expansion at Emkay . He has been on board of the SEBI Committee on Derivatives, also served as Director on the board of BSE and Central Depository.

Investment Philosophy (for firm)

  • Our stellar reputation as wealth creators is a direct result of nurturing one of the strongest equity teams in the country. 
  • We eschew reactionary financial moves in favor of a detail-oriented, research driven approach to investing. 
  • Value investing – the science of identifying and investing in under-valued stocks through in-depth quantitative and qualitative research – is a strong guiding principle that lies at the heart of our investing philosophy. 


1)Topic-Curtain Raiser to Emkay Confluence 2019, 

Date- aug,2019

In conversation with Suveer Chainani, CEO-Institutional Clients group and Sunil Tirumalai, Head of Research and Strategist, currently in trough of the business cycle. They discussed top down view , PMS overweights in cash, IT services, Banks and underweights in auto sector and consumer sector.

2)Topic/Title-Sachin Shah talking about its maiden AIF

 Media platform name-Bloombergquint 



Sachin Shah, fund manager talks us through the Emkay Emerging Star Trust, 5yr close end  fund target on 200-300 cr, investing in small cap , focus on identifying companies with good promoters and business .The fund aims at generating long-term capital appreciation over  5 yrs.

3)Title- Emkay Emerging Stars Fund explains why it bought Shoppers Stop, Narayana Hrudayalaya & Music Broadcast stocks



Emkay Emerging Stars Fund, the maiden Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) – Category III managed by Emkay Investment Managers Ltd, in the June quarter has added three new names to its portfolio – Shoppers Stop, Narayana Hrudayalaya & Music Broadcast.

Analyst questions

  1. As we have seen in the last two years the small cap and mid cap segment essentially haven’t performed well, how did that impact the Emkay Emerging Star fund as we don’t see recovery even this year so what has been your take on managing this fund, do you resort to cash in such uncertain times?
  2. What strategy do you follow in managing the fund? How do you choose between various companies in the small cap segment? Have you set any threshold level in terms of quality of earnings, governance structure when you look at the companies?
  3. There are various AIF cat3 funds in the market, how is your fund different from other funds? Do you have any competitive advantage? 
  4. What is the key parameter behind choosing a stock? How do you look for opportunities in the market, do you have any information advantage?

Prepared by Vanshika

Reviewed by Rashika Bhatia

Date: 11th May 2020

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