
summary of information & media about investment firms

  IIFL PMS                                           

About IIFL Multi Cap PMS started in the year 2014. IIFL PMS or Infoline PMS is one of India’s largest ...
/ Dossiers on PMS AMC

021 Capital Advisors

Funds managed Fund nameAsset ClassLicense021 Capital trustEarly Stage Venture InvestingSEBI AIF Cat 1 About the AMC It is a venture ...
/ Dossiers on PE-VC


Funds managed Fund nameAsset ClassLicenseFirst Founder Investment TrustEarly StageSEBI AIF Cat 1 About the AMC 100X.VC was founded in July ...
/ Dossiers on PE-VC

2 Point 2 Capital

Name of the fundAsset class- categoryLicense2Point2 capital trustEquity-long onlyAIF-III(IN/AIF3/19-20/0686) About 2Point2 Capital is an investment firm that focuses on taking ...
/ Dossiers on HF-LongOnly

2point2 Capital

2Point2 Capital Advisors LLP is a SEBI registered Portfolio Management Services (PMS) provider (vide registration number INP000005190). About the AMC ...
/ Dossiers on PMS AMC

3One4 Capital

Funds managed Fund nameAsset ClassLicenseFund 1Early StageSEBI AIF Cat 1Fund 2Early StageSEBI AIF Cat 1Fund 3 (Dedicated Opportunities Fund)Venture Capital ...
/ Dossiers on PE-VC


Funds managed Fund nameAsset ClassLicense9Unicorns Accelerator FundEarly stageSEBI AIF Cat 1 About the AMC The 9Unicorns is an accelerator program ...
/ Dossiers on PE-VC

A.K. Wealth Management

About A.K. Wealth Management was incorporated in November 2006. It is a SEBi registered portfolio management company(INP000003674). This company is ...
/ Dossiers on PMS AMC

A91 Partners

Funds managed Fund nameAsset ClassLicenseA91 Emerging Fund ISeries-B and -CSmall to mid-sizeAIF Cat 2 About the AMC Incorporation Date- 4th ...
/ Dossiers on PE-VC

Aavishkaar Group

Funds managed Fund nameAsset ClassLicenseAavishkaar Bharat FundEarlier and Late stageSEBI AIF Cat 2Aavishkaar IAavishkaar Goodwell IAavishkaar Goodwell IAavishkaar Frontier Fund ...
/ Dossiers on PE-VC


Funds managed Fund nameAsset ClassLicenseAbakkus Emerging Opportunities FundAbakkus Growth FundEquity Hedge FundSEBI AIF Cat 3 SEBI AIF Cat 3 About ...
/ Dossiers on HF-LongOnly

Abakkus Asset Manager

Funds managed Fund nameAsset ClassLicenseAbakkus Emerging Opportunities FundAbakkus Growth FundEquity Hedge FundSEBI AIF Cat 3 SEBI AIF Cat 3 About ...
/ Dossiers on PMS AMC


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