
Funds managed

Fund nameAsset ClassLicense
First Founder Investment TrustEarly StageSEBI AIF Cat 1

About the AMC

  • 100X.VC was founded in July 2019. It is the first VC to invest in early stage startups using India SAFE Notes. (https://www.100x.vc/isafe)
  • After investing in a startup, 100X.VC effectively becomes their coach, strategy consultant, business mentor, and trusted advisor. We work closely with founders helping them get to the next round of funding and beyond.
  • Ideas are fragile. We nurture them at 100X.VC.

Key staff

  • Sanjay Mehta (Founder and Partner)- Sanjay is also the founder of Mehta Ventures.He is a member at IMC (Indian Merchant Chambers)


  • Ninad Karpe (Partner)


  • Shashank Randev


Investment Philosophy (for firm)

We look at:

1. Founding Team

2. Market Size Opportunity

3. Business Model Strength

4. Unfair Advantage, Moat

5. Conviction of a minimum 20X returns.

We are the first institutional investor in our portfolio companies. We aim to fund 100 startups every twelve months. We invest between INR 2.5 million to 10 million per startup using India SAFE Notes.

100X.VC goes beyond mere funding. We open our network, expertise and resources that assist founders in crafting a scalable business model. Put simply, we will be their alter ego – guiding and navigating the founder.


Title: Listen: Ideas may fail, but there are no rogue founders: Sanjay Mehta, 100X.VC, Date: 6 December 2019


Sanjay Mehta’s most well known exit so far is from OYO where he racked up a 280x return. 100x was born out of Mehta’s growing disenchantment with prevailing angel investing models. 100x.VC aims to back 100 odd startups every 12 months investing anywhere between Rs. 25 lakh to Rs. 1 crore. Distinguishing feature of 100x.VC is investing only through iSAFE notes- a more founder friendly alternative to convertible notes.

Title: How 100X.vc aims to invest into 100 startups a year with Shashank Randev, Source: Podcast, Date: 7 September 2019


Shashank says access to seed capital in India remains a challenge and the only way to fill this gap is through iSAFE. He is looking forward to work with the next wave of entrepreneurs and is sector agnostic.He elaborated on the investment philosophy already mentioned above;

  1. Founding Team

-ability of experimentation by the founders and to pivot when required.

  1. Market size opportunity
  2. Business model strength

-broad insight into the ability to speed up the existing markets/processes which might play a very major role in India.

  1. Unique Moat
  2. Conviction of a minimum 20x returns.

He says that a very small percentage of companies that are VC backed go to the IPO level and what is really working for VCs is secondary sales in India.

Title: Sanjay Mehta 100X.VC Reveals His First 20 Startups, Date: 13 December 2019

Analyst questions

  • What are iSAFE notes? And what things lead you to come up with the same?
  • How is an iSAFE different from the traditional convertible notes?
  • Your investment philosophy says we look at the founding team, market size opportunity, moats etc but what do you look for in a founding team or when it comes to moats?

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