Performance Analysis
The rolling return chart shows that the fund lies between maximum and minimum and between upper and lower quartile and performs better than the median.
The chart shows that the fund has a really good information ratio.
The period return chart shows that the fund performed better than the benchmark throughout the time period.
The growth chart shows how 10,000 invested in the fund would perform over the time period.
Portfolio Analysis
The chart shows that the fund belongs to the large cap growth category. The fund has a broader range than the benchmark.
Style – The fund tilted towards growth style compared to value.
Yield – The fund is low yield generating.
Momentum – The fund has a high momentum factor.
Quality – The fund tends to be medium quality.
Volatility – The fund has lower volatility.
Liquidity – The fund has lower liquidity.
Size – The fund is mid sized and smaller than the category average.
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