Harmony Capital

Funds managed

Fund nameAsset class- categoryLicense
Harmony Alternative Investment Fund Equity- long only/ multi-capIN/AIF3/12-13/0023


Harmony Alternative Investment Fund Trust has been formed in India as a private umbrella trust under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 and is registered in India under the Indian Registration Act, 1908.. The Trust is registered as a Category III AIF with the SEBI under the SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012 vide Registration number IN/AIF3/12-13/0023

Key staff

Vivek G. Hiremath -(Chief Mentor of Research and Business Team) A Scientist by Qualification (M.S. University of Washington from Seattle, USA) has got an intensive interest in the field of Behavioural Finance and Technology. His current key area of research is in the application of Digital Signal Processing, cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence to trade in the Financial Market.

Madhavan N -(Chartered Market Technician) – With over 13 years of experience in Investment and Trading strategies, leads the Research and investment teams at Harmony capital. Earlier, he was a Director & head of proprietary trading desk at Harmoney Wealth Advisory Services and served as a director at Chona Financial Services (P) Ltd.

Ramesh Kumar M.(Partner & Certified Financial Planner) – A Certified Financial Planner by qualification and Systemic wealth creation evangelist, with over 25+ years of experience in Financial Services and Wealth Management. Ramesh conducts workshops and is a professional speaker on Wealth management on various forums

Investment philosophy 

They take long term positions and short term advantages while staying true to our investment philosophies. Its objective is  To be an Innovative Investment Management Institution in the Alternative Investment space for Institutional Investors, Family Offices, High Networth Individuals and Foreign Portfolio Investors by delivering the best Reward to Risk Ratio and thereby smoothening the process of Wealth Creation.



Analyst questions

Prepared by – Sarath Chandra, October 2021

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