Performance Analysis
The growth chart shows how the fund has performed over the period of time. It’s performance is very close to the benchmark.
The chart shows that the period return is not that ideal.
The risk return chart shows that the fund took a risk of -1.613% and generated a return of -0.9%. The fund took less risk than most of the funds to generate a similar kind of return.
The rolling return chart shows that the fund lies between upper quartile and lower quartile and has performed very close to the median.
The snail trail chart shows that the fund took negative risk most of the times and positive risk at times and generated decent returns most of the time and negative relative return at times.
The tracking error chart shows that the fund was able to maintain distance from the benchmark.
The chart shows that the fund had positive IR at the start but fell very bad and stayed negative for quite a while but recovered again and rebound and generated positive IR for a while and again fell into negative. So, if we comment, not great numbers.
Portfolio Analysis
The chart shows that the fund belongs to the large cap growth category. The range of the fund is broader than the category average.
Growth – The fund has tilted towards growth compared to value.
Yield – The fund is low yield generating.
Momentum – The fund has a high momentum factor.
Quality – The fund is close to medium quality.
Volatility – The fund has lower volatility.
Liquidity – The fund has lower liquidity.
Size – The fund is close to mid size and is sized smaller than the category average.
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