Performance Analysis
The risk return chart shows that the risk is -1.508% and return is -2.26%. The fund took less risk to generate similar returns than most of the funds.
The rolling return chart shows that the fund is close to median most of the time.
The snail trail chart shows that the fund took lesser risk all the time to generate good positive returns and there are many instances where the fund generated negative returns as well.
The charts shows that the information ratio is negative most of the time till Aug 2021 and there is a recovery from then and IR stayed positive and generated good numbers from then which is a positive aspect.
Portfolio Analysis
The chart shows that the fund belongs to the large cap growth category.
Style – The fund is tilted towards growth style compared to value.
Yield – The fund is low yield generating.
Momentum – The fund has a high momentum factor.
Quality – The fund tends to be higher quality than the category average.
Volatility – The fund has lower volatility.
Liquidity – The fund has lower liquidity.
Size – The size of the fund can be said to be medium sized.
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