SBI Conservative hybrid  fund direct plan growth

Rolling returns in quartiles

The 3-year excess rolling returns are below the zero mark (ranging from 0 to -2%) across the hybrid conservative bond. The median returns have gradually come down from +2 % in May 2016 to -1% in April 2023. The dispersion between upper and lower quartile is very wide at +6 to -2% p.a. 

C:\Users\admin\Documents\Hybrid conservative fund WIP dossier\SBI RRC.png

The fund has generated negative returns and over the years and gave positive returns from February 2022. In Feb 2023, the excess returns were around 2% per annum. 

Rolling risk/return (snail trail)

Funds in this category have shown slightly higher ( 0 to 4.5) standard deviation compared to the volatility of the index.

C:\Users\admin\Documents\Hybrid conservative fund WIP dossier\SBI SD.png

The fund has shown a significant time around 1 to -3.5% per annum, whilst higher than the index volatility of 0 to 3.5% per annum. However, in May 2023, the excess returns went up to around 2.5%.

Tracking error

The tracking error ranges between 1% to 4% for the period May 2016 to May 2023.

C:\Users\admin\Documents\Hybrid conservative fund WIP dossier\SBI TR.png

The tracking error was the highest at 6.5% in May 2020 and came down to 2 in 2023. However, in May 2023, the tracking error came down to around 2%. The overall range has been around 2 to 6%.

Information ratio 

The rolling IR has been quite volatile ranging from -2.5 to +2 making it difficult to discern any skill.

C:\Users\admin\Documents\Hybrid conservative fund WIP dossier\SBI IR.png

In April 2021, the information ratio reached the peak at 2.9. However, in May 2023, the ratio came down to -1. The overall range has been around -2 to +2.

Prepared by – Akash Damani, June 2023

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