Samvitti Capital

Funds managed

Fund nameAsset ClassLicense
Samvitti Capital Alternative Investment FundLong onlySEBI AIF Cat 3
Samvitti Capital Alpha FundLong short equitiesSEBI AIF Cat 3
Samvitti Capital Alpha Opportunities FundMulti StrategySEBI AIF Cat3

About the AMC

  • Key staff- Athul Kudva, Chief Executive Officer (an engineer from the National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, worked briefly at Tata Motors before starting his own company, Disha Software Solutions, providing back-office support for small and medium stock brokers. He subsequently merged Disha with the Bangalore based firm Omnesys.)
  • Shivaram Kamath, Director (CA eteran of the capital markets and has been associated with a leading broking and investment banking firm for the last 20 years. He has also been an active member of the Mangalore Stock Exchange. His erstwhile firm has consistently been awarded outstanding performer as progress partners for number of years. He was elevated as the head of business development for South India in 2006.
  • Prabhakar Kudva, Director selected as one among 40 under 40 Investment managers by AIWMI.

Alternative Investment Funds

Samvitti Capital is the sponsor and investment manager to the following Category III AIF funds 

  • Samvitti Capital Alternative Investment Fund – This was a three year closed ended long-only AIF. The Fund was benchmarked against the CNX Nifty Index over the life of the fund – a first. This fund is completed its tenure and capital returned to the investors. Over the three year period starting June 2015, this fund outperformed its benchmark by 30%.
  • Samvitti Capital Alpha Fund – This is an open-ended long-short fund with quarterly redemption which seeks to generate absolute returns by positioning itself on both the long and short side of the markets using various strategies.
  • Samvitti Capital Alpha Opportunities Fund – This is an open-ended fund which will focus on taking advantage of market volatility by employing short term strategies like price momentum, event-based momentum, index long-short, special situations et al. This fund will carry limited positional exposure across days.


Topic/Title- Investors Should Be Able To Asses This Factor While Spotting Multi-Baggers,  Media platform name-Bloombergquint

Date- Dec,2019

ROIC is the key determinant factor their ability to foresee this makes the difference.

Topic/Title- Alpha Moguls: Nifty Has Been The Toughest Benchmark To Beat

Media platform name- Bloombergquint

Date- Dec,

Gains made in a bull market by beating the benchmark could prove to be fleeting unless they are protected during a downside.The trouble with the Indian markets is that when we fall, we fall very badly. Build a portfolio which can withstand correction, that is key to alpha.

Analyst questions

1) What is the skill set that is required to manage a multi strategy and long short fund? How is it different from long only fund?

2) You manage three funds, how does an investor react when you showcase these different funds, which is the fund that is instantly able to grab their attention? 

3) Which amongst these funds is most exposed to event based risk?

Prepared By –

Date – 

Peer Reviewed By – Ridhima Jaisinghani

Date – 7th May

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