Performance Analysis
The growth chart shows how 10,000 invested in the fund would perform over a period of time. The chart shows that the fund performed exceptionally well compared to other funds and comprehensively beat the benchmark.
The period return chart shows how the fund generated return over a period of time.
The risk return chart shows that the fund generated a return of 14.57%, which is the 2nd highest return and took a risk of -0.153%.
The rolling return chart shows that the fund was the 2nd best performing fund and it performed better than the upper quartile.
The snail trail chart shows that the fund took balanced risk (at times less risk and at times little risk) and generated exceptional return compared to all other funds.
The tracking error chart shows that the fund has distanced itself pretty much from the benchmark all the time.
The chart shows that the fund generated exceptional IR compared to other funds.
Portfolio Analysis
The chart shows that the fund belongs to the large cap blended category. The range of the fund is broader than the benchmark and tilting towards the large cap blended category, while peers lie on large cap growth category.
Growth – The fund has tilted towards growth compared to value.
Yield – The fund is low yield generating.
Momentum – The fund has a high momentum factor.
Quality – The fund has tilted towards high quality and lies higher than the category average.
Volatility – The fund has lower volatility but higher than the category average,
Liquidity – The fund has lower liquidity but higher than the category average,
Size – The fund is close to mid size and is sized lesser than the category average.
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