Funds managed
Funds Managed | Category | License |
Green Portfolio Dividend Yield Fund | Multi Cap/ Thematic | PMS |
Green Portfolio Special Fund | Multi Cap | PMS |
Green Portfolio MNC Advantage Fund | Multi Cap/ Thematic | PMS |
Green Portfolio Index Fund | Large Cap | PMS |
Green Portfolio is a SEBI registered PMS entity incorporated in 2014 by Divam Sharma and Anuj Jain. The company offers customized investment management, portfolio review, portfolio advisory, mutual fund research and distribution services.
PMS license – INP000000006022
Number of employees – 11.
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Total assets under management – 100 crores+
Key staff
Divam Sharma – Co-Founder of Green Portfolio Private Limited. He has completed his Chartered Accountancy and his MBA from Indian School of Business. He has worked for over 6 years as Financial Analyst with banks including Kotak Mahindra Bank, Citibank, and IMGC. He has over 13 years of experience of investment management in stock markets. LinkedIn
Anuj Jain – Anuj Jain is the co-founder and a Chartered Accountant by profession. He has over 12 years of experience managing investments in the stock market. LinkedIn
Investment philosophy (for firm)
Buying High Quality Companies.
How do they filter out high quality companies?
The company should have survived for a reasonably long period of time.
The company should be profitable with return on equity of at least 15%.
The Debt should be below 1 times.
The revenues should be growing.
The Balance Sheet should be strong.
The company should be paying regular and reasonable dividends.
Operating margins should be above 15%.
The company should be spending on product innovation and brand building.
The taxes paid should be near the rate prescribed by the government.
The management integrity, capability, and history should be good.
Buying stocks at the right price
Buying stocks at the right price helps maintain margin of safety and enhances potential for capital appreciation. Deriving the intrinsic value of a stock is done through research on the history of the company, current operations and near term potential growth.
More on the funds managed –
Green Portfolio Index Fund
Benchmark – BSE Sensex
Number of stocks in the portfolio – 25
Market capital allocation – 90%+ Large Cap
AUM – 1.61cr
Performance since inception – 23.9%
Historically, at a time horizon, only 15-25 stocks in the index perform while the rest of the stocks underperform. The fund carefully selects the best 20-25 companies out of the 30 companies represented by Sensex. This scheme also times the entry and exit through staggered buying and selling. This strategy helps in generating a 2-5% alpha over the Sensex returns.
Time Horizon- Minimum 1 Year
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Green Portfolio Special Fund
Benchmark – BSE Sensex
Number of stocks in the portfolio – 61
AUM – 85.23cr
Market capital allocation – Multi Cap
Performance since inception – 24.1%
A value strategy of selecting stocks based on corporate governance, growth potential, industry dynamics, company fundamentals, valuations, promoter integrity and capability.
Emphasis is also placed on company strategies of marketing, R&D spend, product capabilities, competition, feed-back from stakeholders etc.
Time Horizon – Minimum 3- 5 years
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Green Portfolio Dividend Yield Fund
Benchmark – BSE Sensex
Number of stocks in the portfolio – 27
Market capital allocation – Thematic / Multi Cap
AUM – 9.48cr
Performance since inception – 36.1%
This scheme invests in consistent high dividend shares which are, to some extent, less prone to fall in the market as they have historically assured a minimum return in the form of dividends. These shares provide a regular income to the investors, irrespective of overall market performance. The portfolio is built with stocks of quality management, good business prospects and high dividend income also ensuring capital appreciation.
Time Horizon- Minimum 3 Years
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Green Portfolio MNC Advantage Fund
Benchmark – BSE Sensex
Number of stocks in the portfolio – 29
Market capital allocation – Thematic / Multi Cap
AUM – 12.55cr
Performance since inception – 23.5%
The primary objective of the fund is long term continuous capital appreciation. This fund invests in MNCs with strong history, brand value, and market share.
Time horizon – 1 to 3 years
None found?
Analyst questions
- How do you decide to overweight or underweight a stock relative to the benchmark?
- Could you highlight more on your process to find the intrinsic value of a stock?
- Why is it important for a stock to pay regular and stable dividends? Does that not indicate that the company does not have significant projects to undertake?
- What is the nature of your exposure to active risk? And what are your rationales for assuming them?
- How do you go about evaluating the management of a company? Is it a qualitative or a quantitative approach?
- Over what period do you allow yourself to be wrong?
Prepared by – Chaitanya
Date – 6th April 2021
Peer reviewed by –
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