Golden PI

Segment – wealth management, debt broker with both B2C and B2B models


GoldenPI is India’s first online fintech startup, allowing retail investors to freely invest in bonds and debt markets. Samir Baran Pratihar, a software engineer and CTO, and Abhijit Roy, an MBA from IIM and software engineer, co-founded the company in 2017 in Bangalore.

GoldenPI is an application that offers a variety of debt and bond market services. Investors can invest directly in listed corporate bonds, NCD IPOs, corporate fixed deposits, and sovereign gold bonds. Bonds can be purchased by investors based on their investment objectives and needs.

Two investors have backed GoldenPI. Zerodha and Rainmatter Technology are the most recent investors, with a total funding of $459.8K as of May 10th, 2022.

Philosophy/key insight



How Golden Pi Revolutionized Fixed Income Investment in India, Outlook India, June 6th, 2022

GoldenPi, which was founded in 2017, is India’s leading aggregate platform for investing in bonds and debentures. In less than five years, it revolutionized the fixed-income investment space with Rs 5,000 crore of daily inventory. On a daily basis, the platform provides large inventory access and the best price discovery. GoldenPi has created a SaaS version for easy integration with third-party platforms, giving retail investors seamless access to secondary market bonds and debentures. The firm intends to broaden its offerings and solutions to meet the fixed income needs of individual investors as well as non-individual entities such as corporations and trusts.

Moneycontrol and GoldenPi team up to offer more fixed-income investment options,, January 2023,

India’s largest online platform, GoldenPi, has partnered with Moneycontrol, a financial portal offering financial news, analysis, and data for investors. The partnership aims to enable GoldenPi’s audience to invest in various fixed-income instruments, including high-rated bonds and NCDs, starting at just Rs 10,000. Moneycontrol will aid in the dissemination of information and educate its network of readers on the intricacies of the fixed-income market. GoldenPi offers over 100 daily listings on its platform, and the partnership with Moneycontrol, with a reader base of over 59 million users, aims to reach potential and current investors and educate them on the bond market. The SaaS platform embedded as a landing page on the Moneycontrol website aims to increase awareness and access to alternative fixed income investment solutions among risk-averse Indian investors. Moneycontrol is dedicated to going above and beyond to assist its readers in their financial journeys and to meeting the changing needs of investors, which are influenced in part by the remarkable growth of the investment market.

Prepared by: Ajinkya Lasure, July 2023


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