
Funds managed

Fund nameAsset ClassLicense
<Fund name> Hedge fundSEBI AIF Cat 3
<Fund name> Long short equitiesSEBI AIF Cat 3

About the AMC

The firm advises and manages pools of capital from international and Indian investors seeking long-term absolute returns without being tied to a particular benchmark or index.

  • Key staff – 

Rohit Bhat (Investor)- Rohit has over 8 years of experience across venture capital, private equity, public investing and management consulting. Most recently, he was a Vice President at Sequoia Capital India. He has previously worked with Brandes Partners, Temasek Holdings and McKinsey & Co. Rohit holds an MBA with Honors from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and a B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology Madras where he was a recipient of the Governor’s Medal.

Suraj Subramaniam (investor)Suraj has over 7 years experience in private equity, public markets and investment banking across India and Asia-Pacific (ex-Japan). Most recently, he was an Associate Director at Temasek Holdings in India. He has previously worked with Bahrain-based investment firm Arcapita in their Singapore office and Citigroup’s investment banking team in Singapore and Hong Kong. Suraj holds an MBA from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and a B.Sc. Economics from Singapore Management University.

Ashutosh Desai (Research Analyst )

Investment Philosophy (for firm)

Deeply influenced by the founders’ background in private equity and venture capital, the firm adopts differentiated levels of alignment, rigor and long-term focus in its approach to public market investing.

They adopt a research-oriented approach that emphasizes proprietary, bottom-up work. While we are market cap agnostic, we are biased towards the vast universe of micro, small and mid cap stocks that tend to have minimal or no sell-side coverage in India.

Analyst questions

  1. What do you focus on, value or growth for alpha generation?
  2. How do you measure quality, by the people working or you focus on their numbers, ratios etc.?

Prepared by – Ridhima Jaisinghani

Date – 7th May 2020

Peer reviewed by – <name>


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